Thought for the Day

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Carlsbad Marathon etc.

I haven't done much of anything for almost two weeks. This seems like a good time to catch up on blogging about things that happened recently.


Starting Friday I will be on a road trip vacation to Northern California to visit my favorite daughter and the world's cutest grandson. I may be even more detached from this blog than usual.
I realize that there can be no "regular readers" of a blog that doesn't have writing regularly updating it, so I really do want to keep up my blogging.

On January 24th, I did the Carlsbad Marathon as part of the huge Glucomotive presence at that event. It was another fantastic experience for me, as every Glucomotive event I've done has been.
I drove out to the coast with my brother Jon, and the first thing we got to do Friday night when we called and asked how we could help, was to go pick up Kerry Kuck from where he was staying and bring him to the first gathering of the weekend.
Kerry is a courageous and amazing blind marathoner with type 1 diabetes.


That was just the first of many things from that weekend I will remember forever. Saturday, we had breakfast on the beach with many of the PWDs and diabetic supporters in town for the race.


Sunday I ran the Carlsbad marathon, my 50th lifetime marathon, and crossed the finish line with Peter Nerothin, type 1 diabetic, Ironman, ultramarathoner, founder of InsulInDependence, Triabetes, and Glucomotive, and John Moore, type 1 diabetic, Ironman, marathoner, ultramarathoner, and Amy Flores, a type 1 diabetic doing her first half marathon.

It was a special moment to share with Peter and John, friends of mine for a while, but being there with Amy made it just magical, she was so excited about the new directions her life is going.
Then following the race we went to a barbecue hosted by type 1 diabetic surf hero Matt Besley and his family, to celebrate our accomplishments and watch a little playoffs football.


The weekend was just packed with fun. It was hard to finally decide that it was over and Jon and I had to start back.
I'm looking forward to the next adventure.

Oh, yeah. I already had the next adventure at the Desert Classic Marathon on January 30th.
But that's another blog post...

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